Operative correction
of bowed legs and knock knees
Correct your
O-legs or X-legs. 100+ photos ⇩
Do you have bowed legs?
We will fix your problem!
The International Center of Anthropometrical (Orthopaedical) Cosmetology and Correction
offers the unique possibility to correct 
bow legs or knock knees 
Cosmetic correction (bow legs correction) is done surgically by experienced orthopedic surgeons
using a genuine method of deformity correction. 
Stages of bow legs
correction procedure
Legs correction surgery (correction of bow legs) is performed on both legs at the same time
and consists of three stages: 
1 Surgery.

Operation is done in turn on one leg and then on another one. First of all a special orthopedic device is put on the leg below the knee. Thin but very strong pins made of special and safe medical steel is drawn through the bone in the upper and lower part of the shin. The pins are fixed on the device rings thus making a firm device-bone system.

Afterwards osteotomy (dissection of the bone) is done. Osteotomy is performed by means of a special orthopedic chisel as corticotomy (partial dissection of the most solid bone elements with the least injury to the surrounding tissues). The operation ends in cosmetic suture.

Legs correction operation is performed either under spinal or general anesthesia. 

Correction stage 2

At this stage a slow correction of the legs shape occurs which lasts for a few days. Usually, correction starts on the 5th-7th day after the operation. Its duration depends on the degree of the deformity. A slow and gradual correction allows it to improve the curvature precisely up to the tenth of a degree.

It’s the most precise method of all existing at present. Decision to stop correction is made by the doctor together with the patient, taking into account both the patient’s desire and the results of a computer modeling. 

Bowed legs correction animation
3 Fixation stage

This stage is the longest of all. During fixation or consolidation, the corrected bones are held with the frames until complete union of the bones. Fixation lasts about 1 month. During this stage patients are most mobile, they are able to walk without crutches and don’t feel any pain or discomfort. One can see our patients in all popular places in the town.

Our patients were able to go around the town and see our popular sights. They go to the cinema, shopping centers, parks, museums and of course Mamayev Mound. Movie theaters, multiple shopping centers and malls, museums and Mamaev Mound are among the most popular activities and destinations.

It is not uncommon to hear our patients say that they just forget they have frames on their legs. Radiography is done at the end of fixation stage radiography is done and the degree of union is estimated. If the bone tissue has become solid enough, the frames can be removed. 

General information on operations
for legs shape correction. 

On an average, the legs correction lasts 50-60 days; however, it may require less or more time depending on various factors such as the inpidual ability of the body to regenerate, age and/or the patient’s level of activity. Those patients who walk actively and regularly since the very beginning of treatment recover noticeably faster than those who “prefer to relax”. Our absolute record is 42 days from the operation till the frames removal. In general, 55-60 days are sufficient for about 90% of our patients. 

Rehabilitation period after surgery for legs shape correction. 

During rehabilitation, swimming and graduated walking are recommended. A physical load may be increased 2-3 month following the surgery. The operation for legs shape correction leaves only small scars which get practically invisible with time.  

During treatment we use a special computer system for surgery planning and determining inpidual parameters of dynamic characteristics of the frames. 

We also offer express methods which allow to decrease the duration of staing in a hospital. We use high precision navigation system "Orthopilot" for express bow legs correction operations.

We will be glad to assist you with any of your needs! 

Conditions of the treatment

Our patients start walking independently with crutches the next day after the operation. The patients are active, they can serve themselves, for this reason there is no need to have their relatives or accompanying persons at hand. Albeit, we don’t restrict any contact, and relatives and guests can spend their time with patients all day long. 

Our patients’ should not be less than 16 and no older than 60 years of age. During the treatment, patients should either stay in the hospital, or rent an apartment or stay at a hotel under constant supervision of our doctors and closely follow all their instructions. It’s only in this case that we can guarantee success.  

By the end of treatment, the patients are able to walk without crutches. The patients are able to resume their daily routine and way of life 2-3 weeks after leaving the hospital. 

The cost of the complex of sevices for legs form correction including all expences (operation, anaesthesia, accommodation in postoperative period, doctors supervision, computer modelling, changing of bandages, removing of external fixators) is 7500 euros in Volgograd clinic of the Center.

The treatmens is also available in our partner clinic in Czech Republic. Please request information by e-mail:

We are ready
to resolve your

Contact us: +7 8442 50-21-85 +7 937 709-44-50 (mobile) +7 927 504-42-02 (mobile)
Photos of patients
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